Family Bushcraft Camp (2 day)
Two days of fun and memorable experiences. Learn effective fire-lighting and bushcraft skills, build and sleep in your own shelter, greenwood carving skills, campfire cooking (food included), nature walk and storytelling. Specifically aimed at families, all ages welcome.
Our philosophy is to enable families of all ages to come together, share experiences, learn interesting skills and be inspired by their time in the woods.
The course starts at 11 am on Saturday morning and finishes a 12.30 pm on Sunday.
Food included (evening and breakfast). Bring your own packed lunch for Saturday.
The course will be a mix of activities including fire lighting, shelter building for you to sleep in, knife skills and children’s whittling, greenwood projects, natural crafts, wildlife tracks and signs, evening nature walk, storytelling, campfire cooking and enjoying the special atmosphere of your woodland home.
All equipment provided. Just bring a sleeping bag, camp mat, warm clothes and a torch!
"We wanted to thank you so much for a completely awe-inspiring weekend. You are both such incredible people…just being in your presence was very special indeed and then learning from you, understanding a different way of viewing the world and seeing how you treat the natural world with such respect taught us all so much as a family. With such ease, you engaged all the kids and encouraged them to do things they might not have felt able to do…and things we might not have thought they could do! Likewise you engaged and inspired all the adults too and we’ve come home with skills we can’t wait to try again. Each activity had so much love and thought behind it and being taught each skill from start to finish (rather than being half started for us) meant we got so much more out of it. Ro’s geek boxes(!) were so beautifully put together and each compartment had its own story to tell. Just wonderful.
Our daughter was so inspired by Maya and has said she wants to be like Maya when she’s older. What a great idol to aspire to! Both your kids are such wonderful, gentle, kind and knowledgeable souls and our experience of the woods was even richer having them there.
From making fires, making shelters, making rope, taking 'pictures' of the view (this really worked Gareth!!) listening to stories, seeing tracks and watching popcorn pop, you created an unforgettable experience for us all."
"We have all felt the lasting benefits of being out in the woods together and the relaxed pace of our time there. The children have made it very clear that they'd like to do it again as would we! I thought that the way you'd set up the facilities there was great; it hit just the right note between home comforts and survival training! We all learnt a lot over the course of the day; from instruction, observation and from being given space and time to try things for ourselves. Thank you." — Course participant