Products and Services

In addition to our courses, we can offer a range of consultancy services and bespoke experiences for groups. We also sell a variety of products sourced from our woodland; charcoal; and home and garden wares.


Woodland management

Woodland Management

BSc Hons Countryside Management and OCN level 2 in Coppice Management. Gareth can help you plan and then undertake the practical work required to fell, coppice, fence and extract the timber from your land. His preference is for low impact and environmentally sensitive approaches, sometimes these require more time and preparation, however, the land recovers more rapidly and overall environmental impacts are reduced.

Leighton tunnel

Living Willow Structures

We design, build and maintain bespoke living willow structures for gardens, schools, parks and open spaces. Feel free to give us a call if you would like to discuss a project.


Environmental Education and Team Building

We work with groups of any age to plan and deliver learning sessions that are inspiring, fun and professional. A focus on woodland and environmental education, crafts, teamwork and communication skills have excited a wide range of groups. See our School Sessions. We also offer bespoke courses and sessions for the needs of your group.


Private Tuition and Experience days

A great stag or hen day, a birthday treat, family experience and a chance to develop your skills. The day will be designed to suit the needs and previous experience of your group. If you want to focus on spoons, spatula’s or bowl carving, we can plan a day for just you and your friends. Contact Gareth for more information.



Gareth can help you design and write interpretation that suits your target audience. Panels, leaflets, events, walks and talks on a range of environmental subjects such as - land management; community involvement; wildlife; woodlands; coppicing.



We can offer consultancy on land use options and sustainable approaches to managing your open or wooded land whether the basis is around food, energy, community engagement or biodiversity, including Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) Scheme applications.



We run a range of green wood courses and woodland experiences. Please see our Courses page for more details.


IMG 4696

BBQ Charcoal

Locally produced by Woodmatters from sustainably managed coppice woodlands in South Lakes, Cumbria. A superior product to imported charcoal, no chemical additives, ready to cook on in 15mins.

Buying British charcoal supports local woodland businesses, reduces transport miles and maintains traditional woodland management that supports a diverse wildlife.

£6.50 small bag (10ltr), £13 large bag (20ltr)



Biochar has many horticultural benefits. It can increase crop yields, sometimes substantially if the soil is in poor condition. It retains moisture, helping plants through periods of drought more easily. Most importantly, it replenishes exhausted or marginal soils with organic carbon and fosters the growth of soil microbes essential for nutrient absorption, particularly mycorrhizal fungi.

Lots of interesting info from British Biochar Foundation

£10 bag (20ltr)

Spoon carving

Greenwood kitchen & household ware

With a particular focus on the useful, celebrating those things we use every day. A range of spoons, bowls and spatulas are available to buy or can be made to order to suit your preferred shapes or left/right handed designs, as well as clothes drying racks, welly boot removers, Scandinavian coat hooks, Chopping boards. Click here to go to our shop page

Prices start at £10

Educational discs

Educational Resources

Bespoke designed resources/tokens, e.g. wooden discs with a burnt design for use in environmental education. Contact us to discuss any ideas.

Priced per commission

Hedging stakes

Hedging Stakes

Strong hazel stakes between 4ft-5ft

£1 each

Bean poles

Bean Poles

7ft long bean poles. Strong locally coppiced hazel. Bundles of 11 poles.

£12/ bundle

Pea sticks

Pea Sticks

Bundles of 10 pea sticks.

£10/ bundle