Words from the Woods February 2015
11th February 2015
Full Cycle Project
Gareth's vision for this project came a few years ago so we are really excited to have partnered with Rusland Horizons and Mosaic to make it a reality. Working with young people from Ulverston and Barrow the project starts in winter cutting coppice wood; in spring taking a portion of that wood and converting it to charcoal; summer sees the building and use of a primitive forge to produce simple tools that the young people will temper and sharpen. In autumn these tools will be used to produce hand crafted greenwood items.
Full Cycle involves connecting people to woodlands in a way that develops skills, understanding and appreciation of the relationship between natural habitats and human needs whilst linking the present with the past.
If you know any young people between 16-25yrs who would like to get involved please text Clare Dyson from Mosaic on 07972 630 156
New format for Woodland Explorer summer camp!
We're really looking forward to this year's woodland explorer. Its going to be fully residential for the the first time with the young people building their own shelters to sleep in.The days will be an inspiring mix of bushcraft, greenwood carving, fire lighting, natural arts and crafts, woodland games, storytelling, adventure and sleeping out under the stars.
Tues 1st - Thurs 3rd Sept 20158 - 14 yr olds (no grown ups allowed (except us of course!))
Stone Age to Iron Age
We've been busy developing some Stone Age to Iron Age sessions in partnership with local schools to link in with the new KS2 curriculum. The sessions will be an inspiring, authentic, hands on experience. Children will discover how people lived, learn core skills and experiment with techniques from the era.
Tree Whisperers
We're continuing to work with this fantastic project in Eden exploring trees and climate change. They've created a fun cartoon film great for explaining why trees are so important. Even if you haven't got kids its fun to watch! Click for Jim's Tree Notebook cartoon (under the Information tab) illustrated by Colin Shelbourn.
Woodmatters courses coming up...
- Living Willow Care and Willow Making Workshop Tuesday 10th March (pm)
- Scandinavian Shrink Pot Carving Friday 13th March
- Bench and Stool Making Friday 20th March
- Make your own Shave Horse Wed 25th March (eve)
- Bowl Carving Thurs 16th April
- Bench and Stool Making Friday 24th April
- Low Canopy Hammock Camp Sat 25th April - Sun 26th April
- Canopy Camp Extreme (treetop hammocks) May 1st - 2nd/ 2nd -3rd / 3rd-4th
- Family Bushcraft Camping Course Sat 9th May - Sun 10th May
- Spoon Carving Beginners Wed 20th May
Cumbria Woodlands Events coming...
- Practical Coppicing Wednesday 25th February
- Charcoal Making Friday 27th February
- Forestry and Wood Fuel Fair - Saturday 28th February, 10am-4pm, Halecat House, Witherslack. Free.
- Bats and Trees Awareness Course 5th March 2015