Living Willow Structures

We design and create bespoke living willow structures for schools, gardens and open spaces. Domes, Tunnels, Outdoor classrooms, Living hedges...Creating special spaces on your school grounds

The design will be unique to you and your environment, we will create something to suit your space and who is going to use it. Small or large, winding tunnels, outdoor teaching spaces, 'fedges' - living hedges to create special spaces, domes.

Share with us your vision and we will make it grow!

Please get in touch to discuss options and we can come for a site visit to advise on design and costs.

The willow planting season is during the winter months when the leaves have fallen off and the trees are dormant however we can come for a site visit at any time of year to design and make a plan.

In a school setting the children can help plant and weave and be involved in the process.

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"Thanks everyone, that was a brilliant residential visit, full of energy, learning, excitement and contemplation."

Mark Squires, Selside Primary